So we watched the fireworks on this big hill (which I presume was once a dump and could have been quite the safety hazard with fumes and whatnot) and though some great people were there I just would have rather hung out with them specifically as opposed to the neighborhood vigilante meeting that it became.
So we get home to Sadie (who spent the evening at home with the radio on to dull the barrage of incendiary devices we as Americans are so fond of) and she is panting heavily and very glad to see us (we offer the promise of fresh carrots as she is on a diet of sorts) and so begins the pondering (me) and piddling (her).
I am designed to be a social creature. "The way I look, the way I smell, Everything about me draws you in. As if you could out run me!" (Twilight!)
Seriously, Sadie hates to be around guns but loves to swim, retrieve, lick fish and roll around in anything that smells horrible. Similarly, I hate being around a bunch of humans but I actually love other humans and talking to them and sharing in their human subtleties.
Back on the hill, someone tonight had a cute beagle puppy. It's ears were as long as the entire dog was and it was super soft/cute. They need to take a picture now though because beagles look friggin retarded when they get older. And somebody had a yet to be identified pet with a glowstick attached to its collar. Im betting it was a mongoose or chinchilla, and at the very least a guinea pig. Someone (Mike Seay) said "maybe its a ferret". Yeah, good luck with that, I had two ferrets and they stole everything and hid it under my couch while my dog stood by and did nothing. An ideal choice.
I'm so glad you are blogging again.